life in the Kearsarge area

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Sponsor a cartoonist!

photo-originalWarner, N.H., resident Sandy Steen Bartholomew is going back to school, specifically, the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, Vt.! And you can follow her on that journey. She’s launched a Kickstarter campaign for a blog that will  follow her adventures in cartoon school, called Glyphs & Glitches:
Consider donating over the next week (the campaign closes in 7 days). If you choose to help Sandy, you’ll explore the challenges of going back to school at a…. umm… later time in one’s life, making new friends, getting an apartment after living in one’s own house for almost 20 years, moving to another state, commuting back and forth and figuring out how to parent kids who may or may not be in another state, depending on the day of the week. Oh, yes, and you’ll also learn cool techniques and fascinating ideas, meet interesting artists, see behind the scenes of projects and possibly have a front-row seat for her nervous breakdown. Hey – it’s almost like reality-TV… but a blog. Or a documentary adventure. Blog-thing. With comics. And reviews, and step-outs. And maybe some video. And things to download and color!
Click here to learn more: